Gag me with a spoon
Gag me with a spoon

gag me with a spoon

= I(2) (it's me all right is taller than … 1 a a utensil consisting of an oval or round bowl and a handle for conveying …

  • ME - me S1 W1 /mi strong miː/ BrE AmE pronoun 1.
  • spoon 1 S3 /spuːn/ BrE AmE noun [ Language: Old English Origin: spon 'piece of wood split … Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • WITH - with S1 W1 /wɪð, wɪθ/ BrE AmE preposition 1.
  • a piece of cloth that is put over or in …
  • GAG - / gæg NAmE / noun, verb ■ noun 1.
  • ME - pronoun, noun ■ pronoun / mi NAmE strong form miː/ the form of I that is used when ….
  • Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary a tool that has a handle with a shallow bowl …
  • SPOON - / spuːn NAmE / noun, verb ■ noun 1.
  • GAG - gag BrE AmE ɡæɡ ▷ gagged ɡæɡd ▷ gagging ˈɡæɡ ɪŋ ▷ gags ɡæɡz.
  • SPOON - spoon BrE AmE spuːn ▷ spooned spuːnd ▷ spooning ˈspuːn ɪŋ ▷ spoons spuːnz.
  • GAG - vb gagged gag.ging vt (1509) 1 a: to restrict use of ….
  • OE me akin to OHG mih me, L me, Gk me, Skt …
  • ME - pron, objective case of i [ME, fr.
  • SPOON - n (14c) 1: an eating or cooking ….
  • gag me with a spoon

    vt to pry or hold open by means of a gag.GAG - vt to cause to heave with nausea.pers) the person speaking, regarded as an object myself a pronoun of the ….SPOON - noun fig.: a simpleton a spooney.ME - pronoun, objective case of i Etymology: Middle English, from Old English mē akin to Old High German mīh me, Latin ….ging ) Etymology: Middle English gaggen to strangle, of imitative origin Date: 1509 transitive ….Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary

    gag me with a spoon

    ˈspün noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English spōn splinter, chip akin to Old High German spān splinter, chip … take up in a spoon, transfer in a spoon eat with a spoon behave in an affectionate or sentimental … the objective case of I, used as a direct or indirect object: They asked me … Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary a utensil for use in eating, stirring, measuring, … ) A mouthful that makes one retch a choking bit as, a gag of mutton fat. ) The person speaking, regarded as an object myself a pronoun of the first person used as … ) Anything which resembles a spoon in shape esp. Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary t.) To pry or hold open by means of a gag. GAG - (n.) A mouthful that makes one retch a choking bit as, a gag of mutton fat.pron.) The person speaking, regarded as an object myself a pronoun of the first person used as the objective … t.) To catch by fishing with a spoon bait. i.) In croquet, golf, etc., to spoon a ball. SPOON - (n.) Anything which resembles a spoon in shape esp.ˈgag, -aa(ə)g, -aig verb ( gagged gagged gagging gags ) Etymology: Middle English gaggen to strangle, … (|)mē, _mi pronoun, objective case of i Etymology: Middle English, from Old English mē akin to Old High German … ˈspün sometimes ˈspu̇n noun ( -s ) Etymology: Middle English spone, spoon, from Old English spōn akin to Old … Webster's New International English Dictionary (|)wi]th, ]th, _wə] preposition Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, preposition & adverb, against, opposite, toward, with akin to … ME - (as used in expressions) Me Nam River forget me not Messerschmitt 109 Me 109 touch me not.


  • GAG - Airport Name : Gage Airport Airport Location : Gage, Oklahoma, United States IATA Code : GAG ICAO Code : KGAG.
  • GAG ME WITH A SPOON - gag me with a spoon expr excl AmE sl So gross! Gag me with a spoon! Как нехорошо! У меня ….
  • gag me with a spoon

    GAG ME WITH A SPOON - (Youth Culture) see Valspeak.More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «GAG ME WITH A SPOON» in dictionaries. New English-Russian dictionary of modern colloquial English Glazunov.

    Gag me with a spoon